I haven't done one of these for ages! This is a layout created with a
Pencil Lines Sketch. Sketch
number 147, to be precise. I am SO HAPPY with the end result. (-: At least I am happy with one thing, not like my Personal Trainer. He makes me work SO HARD! I look at the weights that he makes me lift and it scares me - they are so BLOODY heavy! Why, you might ask (like I asked him)? Because I need to build muscle, preferably quickly, to help give my metabolism a boost. Well that's all fine and dandy, except that building the muscle is what HURTS! It's only been four hours since my PT session, and I am already getting sore and stiffening up. Tomorrow should be so much fun- NOT!!! And have you ever tried to scrap (especially when you have deadlines), and yours arms are sore and still shaking from working out? I don't recommend it as it is highly frustrating...I think I had better go and find a massage therapist (-:
Did you vomit????
Than you didnt work hard enough!! Thats what my PT told me when he was making me sprint uphill carrying my fat arse behind me!!! OMG it killed!!