We finally returned home today. After 8 days of no scrapping and having to use my husband's very slow and frustrating computer, I am finally sitting at my desk, blogging and scrapping. Absolute heaven!!! And so, I thought I'd would share some photos from Christmas and our holidays. This is where we stayed on the Gold Coast - Sands Turtle Beach Resort. We had so many BBQ's that the girls actually refused to eat anything that was BBQ'd on the last couple of days. (-:

Here's Malayla expressing her jubilation at one of her Chrsitmas presents. Yes, both my girls got spoilt, but considering I rarely buy them toys during the year (except for birthdays), I don't feel too guilty about it.

Here's Keana absolutely thrilled to bits (as you can see, she was hugging the present) at receiving a pair of roller blades from Santa. Now all she has to do is work out how to balance in them! (-:

I didn't feel like cooking for Christmas since we were on holidays, so we went to Sizzler's Restaurant at Mermaid Beach for our Christmas Lunch. It was so very yummy!!! Lots of seafood, ham, puddings, profiteroles, and everything imaginable. Yes, we overindulged and went home feeling very, very full. I think we might do it again next year.

And finally, here's the layout I submitted as part of my Pencil Lines DT application. It was created using Sketch #161, and lots of Bo-Bunny goodness. Titled: You Stole My Heart.
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