They did it! On Sunday, my two girls went for their first ever karate grading, and they both passed. So now they are very happy and proud of themselves. It was a big achievement for both of them, and they are just thrilled to bits at achieving their next belt and level (and so is their mummy and daddy). Tony is a little stressed because he will be the next one to grade and it will be his first grading (probably around December). The first grading is always the worst because you don't know what to expect. But he will survive and pass (I did!)

Today we went to Seaworld (it's partly a bribe for not taking the girls to the EKKA). The risk of Keana (who suffers from asthma) catching the Swine flu is too great. It's just not worth it. Here's a photo of Tony and Malayla sharing kisses.

Here's some photos of today's biggest thrill (EVER!!!!). The girls were chosen from out of the crowd to go on stage and join the Sesame Street characters in a Limbo dance. I have never seen my two so excited. It was just gorgeous to watch.

Don't you just love Malayla's t-shirt? It reads: Vampires Rock.

Tony and the girls went for a ride on the Flume (several times to be exact). (-: Tony not impressed. Girls thrilled to bits. (Hee! Hee! Hee!). Tony mentioned something about the girls being too much like me - bizarre, stubborn, adrenaline loving junkies!! Who me? Never!!! (-:

I gave up trying to get a nice pose of my daughter on the carousel because I kept getting pictures like this instead. Very non-traditional carousel ride poses (too funny!).

Here's one more Limbo shot - this one is Malayla. And two more achievements that I nearly forgot to mention. Firstly, both my daughters passed their Jazz Ballet exams (Level 1). Keana undertook the exam at "Participation" level, but the examiner was so happy with her work that she upgraded her to a pass. So that was a bonus. (-: Secondly, I pushed 180kgs on the leg press at the gym on Friday, with my new Personal Trainer. I'm only 40kgs off my goal. (-: I'm glad I changed gyms. the new trainer is working out so well (and he pushes me a lot harder).
Congratulations to your girls on their achievement!!! I was talking to a friend on the weekend that does this too and she said the grading days can be very scary!! Especially with all the noise they make when doing their "things"!!
ReplyDeleteThe girls looked like they had a blast!!!
Seeya soon!!