Tuesday, 3 November 2009

Two in two days???

***UPDATE: Since doing this post, we have realised that Keana didn't actually lose her tooth, like we first thought. What she did, was knock her tooth sideways, so there is a great big gap there, and her tooth is pushed right up alongside the next tooth. So we are still waiting.... patiently (*sigh*)***.

Keana has decided to join her sister in the "Losing First Tooth" experience (see below). Except that Keana's experience, didn't go, quite as planned. We think she may have actually swallowed her tooth (no, I'm not a bad mommy laughing at my darling baby!!! No, NOT ME!!!). She had ballet and jazz lessons this afternoon. She had all her teeth before she started her lessons, but she was minus one tooth by the time she had finished. I think she swallowed it when she had a snack at break time. I must point out she was devastated at first, nearly in tears, until I explained we would write a letter to the tooth fairy explaining the situation. Thankfully, she accepted that proposal, and all is ok. Except that I will end up bioke if they both keep losing all their teeth at the same time. (-:
Seriously, how cute does she look? So even though they are 14 months apart, my two darlings have decided to start losing their first teeth within days of each other. Go figure!!! Oh well, guess I'd better go and raid another money box... (*sigh*)

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